June 9, 2014 marks the 8th anniversary of the creation of Reece's Rainbow as an adoption advocacy foundation for orphans with Down syndrome and other special needs. More than *1500* children have found forever families, and we have disbursed more than $8 million in adoption grant funding to get those children HOME. We've been featured in People Magazine three times, honored as a Congressional Angel in Adoption, and highlighted in powerful video segments with Diane Sawyer and Glenn Beck. But none of these amazing results could have happened without YOU. Donations to our Voice of Hope fund are what keep Reece's Rainbow serving and GROWING. We maximize every dollar by operating on less than 10% each year! We thank you for your continued support and hope you will share this special celebration of FAMILY, FUTURE, and FREEDOM! | Be sure to get your FREEDOM GEAR from the Reece's Rainbow Shop! |
Celebrating 8 Years of Family, Future and Freedom | Reece's Rainbow
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