Reece's Rainbow

Raising Awareness

Aging Out

Down Syndrome


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Christmas Angel Tree Warriors Sign Up!


2015 Social Media Awareness Graphics

You can add any of our awareness graphics to your blogs or right click and download to share on social media!
#downsyndrome #adoption #specialneeds #orphannomore
Thank you for all you do to support Reece's Rainbow!
See These and More Awareness Graphics ➲ ↝


NINE | Reece's Rainbow

Have we mentioned we are 9 years old, today?

We've seen a lot of change over the past 9 years. For one, we had only 5 children listed in 2006 yet today, in 2015 we have over 1000. 

We have seen the number of kids coming HOME each year increase and most of the change we've seen internationally with children with special needs has been positive. 

There has also been some things that are not positive which is why we must not stop or slow down in our advocating. We still have lots of work to be done!

We are so thankful for each of our families, whose adoptions were testimonies of the value of the children; and so grateful for all of the endless work our tireless advocates have done in these 9 years. We've seen over 1300 children HOME and disbursed over $10 Million in adoption grants!

Thank you 
from the entire Leadership Team at Reece's Rainbow


Could They Be Twins?

Please welcome our Guest Blogger, Michelle Zoromski, our Grants & Operations Manager here at Reece's Rainbow. She is also one of our adoptive families!

This little bird in the red shirt is my bio daughter, Ruby.
My Ruby will be 8 years old this month -- and she's a surviving twin. We lost her twin; her identical sister, and she also had Down syndrome. I could drive myself crazy with 'could-have-beens' ... but we are so grateful for Ruby and the joy she brings our family ... and this is the path that eventually led us to adopt our daughter, Lilya. 
Now ... there are two girls in China ... waiting to be adopted -- BELIEVED to be twins. Oh, please. If there is a chance they are? Someone, please go get them and let them be sisters! It breaks my heart, thinking they are *possibly* twins and may not be together ... these are not my daughters ... but I hope someone sees them and brings them home, together, to make them their daughters.


555 for Families!

5/5/5 Shortlink

Donors and Families: Please share this page and encourage friends and family to donate!

Each month, 5 families will be featured. On the 5th of the month, all the donations will be divided evenly among those 5 families. The 5 new families will then be revealed.

After 9 years, $10 million in grant funding disbursed, and more than 1500 orphans having found their forever families, you KNOW how far your giving goes collectively through Reece's Rainbow!

Set up an auto-bill-pay donation from your bank, or through the Donation Paypal link on the 555 for Families page, to give just $5 a month for our adopting families!

How to Help:
Helping is easy. Donors are needed to donate $5, $25 or any other amount monthly. You can also make a one-time gift. These small (and larger) donations really add up and help families who are close to traveling.

Who is Chosen:
Five (5) families will be chosen by the 5/5/5 committee which is made up of 5 men and women who have adopted from Russia, Latin America, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Lithuania, China and Armenia

What to do:
Make your monthly donation HERE: You can set it up as a recurring donation and then you don't have to try to remember monthly. To set up a recurring donation, click on the PayPal button on the 555 for Families page, and check the box "Make This Recurring (Monthly)".

For Your Blog!

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Our 555 Donation Box

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